HMO Conversions

HMO Conversions

A HMO is a house of multiple occupation typically rented by three or more individual tenants. The tenants typically rent individual bedrooms and use of communal bathrooms and kitchens.

There are specific guidelines which determine the number and/ or size of communal spaces required within a HMO depending on the number of occupants who will live there.

In addition to providing alterations to the design of the house, we are also experienced with ensuring the property will meet the required regulations for multiple occupancy. This ensures you are always protected and can get underway with the conversion of the property in the shortest and easiest way possible.

ROC haus HMO Conversion Process

  1. Initial meeting and brief

  2. Confirmation of instructions

  3. Preliminary Designs for comment

  4. Confirmation of proposals

  5. Planning submission

  6. Managing the Council for you



ROC haus has recently been recognised as a ‘Smarter Planning Champion’ by the Planning Portal.

Smarter Planning promotes a more efficient means of determining planning applications. It helps local authorities to validate and process applications easily, allowing for a smooth onward consultation and simple publication on LPA websites.

We believe knowledge is for sharing.

Therefore working closely and transparently with clients and turning their development dreams into reality!

Our Planning Projects

Please call the office today to discuss your ideas

We are here and happy to help.